In commercial buildings such as offices, hospitals, and hotels, or in historic buildings that often house venues such as museums or theaters, a large number of people are typically at risk in the event of a fire. In addition to the risk to life, building fires can quickly add up to high losses due to the destruction of property and inventory or the interruption of operations and production.
Regional and national fire codes, as legal requirements for fire protection planning, contain regulations for the spatial planning and installation of fire alarms, extinguishing systems, emergency exits, and other fire protection equipment. In addition to structural fire protection, system-based fire protection plays an important role in the fire protection planning of public buildings, as early fire detection for timely evacuation of people and initiation of countermeasures helps to reduce the extent of damage.
Faulty electrical wiring, systems or equipment are the leading causes of building fires, other causes could include overheating, human error and arson. Depending on the area of the building where the fire starts, it can spread rapidly in the worst case. For example, if a fire starts in the elevator area, the chimney and piston effects in the elevator shaft promote the spread of heat, smoke, and toxic gases, which can quickly spread through the floors. When files are stored in archives, the highly flammable materials and high storage density promote the rapid spread of fire.
Holistic fire protection in buildings saves lives. It is important to ensure that the fire is detected at a very early stage, i.e. in the incipient phase. Our TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors give you the time you need to evacuate people and prevent major damage to buildings, architecture and contents. Depending on the area to be protected, TITANUS® can be combined with our other fire prevention or fire suppression systems.
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